The MATATAG Curriculum Explained
Source: Department of Education

What is it?
The Department of Education launched the MATATAG Curriculum as a recalibrated K to 10 curriculum under the K to 12 program.
The MATATAG Agenda
MAke the curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, active, and responsible citizens
TAke steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision facilities
TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusiveness learning, and positive learning environment
Give support for teachers to teach better
What are the objectives of the MATATAG Curriculum?
To decongest the overcrowded curriculum that resulted in compromised fundamental skills among learners
To make learning competencies age-appropriate and properly sequenced in terms of progression
To strengthen foundational skills like literacy and numeracy, and intensify values formation among learners
What are the main features of the
MATATAG Curriculum?

What are the next steps for the
MATATAG Curriculum?